Abandoned: Discovery Island Fanon

Also known as " Suicide Gascot" He's an antagonist in Abandoned: Discovery Island.


He appears to wear a grey scale Mickey gas mask and wears a t shirt saying " Saddest place on earth". He also wears blue jeans. He also walks around with his hands in his pocket.


He starts at night 3 in the Broadcasting room off camera. He then can be seen on camera with the rope down, hanged. He will then get off the rope and start moving. While moving in every room and the office, it will be filled with a grey, gas. The player must hide or he will kill them. He will also say things like " My life.... is nothing but depression" " Nobody loves me" " You are a suicide" " You think your life is full of happiness?" " Disney.... is the saddest place on earth" and " I don't deserve to be in here".


Suicidal starts at Broadcasting room, then moves to Character prep 1, Staff area, Meat freezer, than the office.

  • Trivia
  • His backstory is that he does not get any friends, gets picked on, and his parents barely spend time with him. He commit suicide when they took a trip in Disney. It's unknown how he became a gascot, it's believed he was in the same Disney park as Trapcot was.
  • He appears to be a Gascot version of Suicide Mouse.
  • The Grey gas represents the depression in life.